Application to Host I3DL Workshops
The I3DL™ Workshop Series is currently being held at multiple sites world wide. We are now accepting applications to host workshops for the next 2 years. If you are interested in applying to host a Workshop, please read this information carefully; if you have questions, please direct them to
Application must be submitted at least 3 Months prior to the Event Start and Registration Deadline dates.

The only thing you need to be an I3DL Host is that you can offer a Classroom with Internet Connection.
The Applications must be submitted in English or German Language.
Workshop Overview
I3DL™ – International 3D Printing Driving Licence is the first and only comprehensive Certifying program on 3D Technologies, including 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, 3D Modeling, Computer Aided Engineering and related technologies in Industry 4.0.
The main Goal of the I3DL™ Workshop is to bring State of the Art Knowledge and hands-on experiences to people. Academic and industrial expert can update their 3D knowledge and newcomers can quickly acquire the most relevant know-how to get into the new technology.

Workshop Concept
The Workshop is typically a mix of presentations, lectures, hands-on workshops, panel and group discussions, and can also include poster session, B2B Technology Match Making and Project Presentations. Customized Contents can be also included according to organizers’ requests and suggestions.
I3DL Modules
I3DL™ is a fully modular program. As a Host organizer, you may choose from the 12 basic Modules, those contents which are most suitable to your event or your audience groups. Here you can find further details about I3DL™ Modules.
Customized I3DL™ Workshop Modules
I3DL™ is a fully modular program. As a Host organizer, you may choose from the 12 basic Modules, those contents which are most suitable to your event or your audience groups. Here you can find further details about I3DL™ Modules.
If you plan to organize a Workshop at a University, you may be also be interested in additional Workshop Module on “Academic Career in 3D-Tech”.
If you plan to organize a workshop for Pre-University Audience (e.g. High Schools, Middle Schools, Vocational schools, etc.), you may be interested in more interactive and interesting contents. In this case, you may request to choose the content accordingly.
If you plan other custom Contents in an I3DL™ Workshop, please include detailed information or requests in this in your proposal.
I3DL™ Workshop in a Conference Event
If you wish to add an I3DL™ Workshop in your Conference, you can request and schedule workshop starting from 2 hour session. Alternatively you can choose a keynote or Plenary Talk on the topic of 3D Technology.
The I3DL™ Workshop provide an opportunity for undergraduates, graduate students and postdocs at the host institution to participate in the organization of a conference.
Although the I3DL™ Workshop are primarily aimed at Engineering, Science, Business and Medical majors, it can be introduced by any Institute / University.

Expression of Interest
To help the I3DL Team achieve geographical coverage for next years’ events, we strongly recommend that sites complete a brief Expression of Interest (EOI) form as early as possible. The EOI will not be used during the application review process, and institutions must still submit a formal application at least 3 Months Prior to the event to be considered as a host site.
Further Info, please contact
Application Content
Proposals consist of three parts.
Budget: A tentative budget, including expenses and expected resources. Estimated target number of participants you plan to host. Estimates of all local anticipated expenses: food, accommodation, room charges, local transportation, expenses for speakers, panelists and workshop presenters, tours, and I3DL License to access Course Materials. (See Sample budget.) Estimate of the financial support you expect to be able to raise locally (e.g., anticipated commitments from your institution, donations from sponsors).
Note that, I3DL Organization and ZAMSTEC Academy typically send at least 2 Speakers, Lecturer or Administration Support to every Workshop. The I3DL Licence to access teaching Materials including Online Contents depends on the number of participant. Please consider the expenses in your Budget Plan accordingly.
Typically the I3DL cost/participant for a Module Workshop ranges from 200 EUR to 800 EUR per participant and per modules, depending on the number of participants, event location, Travel costs for Speakers, Hardware delivery costs, and local costs. All-in One Offers, Grants and Partnership Packages are available for selected Universities and Industries. We’re glad to review any request and application to those grants and special offers.
To get a sample Financial Plan and organizational advice, you can contact
Proposal: Your tentative conference program and marketing plan to recruit participants. Available facilities for your conference, including capacity of facilities—i.e., the maximum number of participants you can accommodate, as well as your target number of participants. Participation in previous conference / event (if any). Statement of interest from potential participants and local organizing committee. Partnerships among several nearby institutions are encouraged.
Letters: A letter of support from your department chair or equivalently the conference organizer that outlines the departmental/organizer support (financial and staff) as well as the names of any other faculty members engaged in the organization of the conference/workshop. A letter from the organizing committee chair (or co-chairs) indicating commitment. Additional letters describing any funding or support already committed may also be included.
Selection Criteria
Potential I3DL™ Workshop host applications are expected to demonstrate a clear commitment to the goals of the program, both on the part of the institution and members of the local organizing committee. Potential host sites are also expected to have a plan for broad recruitment that supports the ZAMSTEC vision of increasing the participation of multidisciplinary groups in Science, Engineering, Business and Medical Disciplines.
The selection committee will also consider geographic coverage, with the intent to provide broad access for attendees. Selection criteria include (not ordered): faculty and student involvement, institutional commitment, the recruitment plan, budget, facilities, partnerships, and proposed program.
We are always accepting online applications to be a host site for the next two years. The deadline for applications is 3 Months Prior to the Event Start and Registration Deadline dates. It is however recommended to start the Letter of Intent at least 6 Months before the event Registration/Marketing